A critical question for all those who consider purchasing a remote control slope mower!
A critical question for all those who consider purchasing a remote control slope mower!
Remote control mowers are a vital tool for commercial contractors and other professionals in grass cutting. When selecting a mower, it's important to consider its ability to handle difficult terrain and steep slopes. The Raymo Electric Mower is an excellent option to consider as it offers superior stability, climbing ability and reliability.
Typically, slope mower manufacturers advertise their ability to handle slopes up to 55-60 degrees. However, it's important to note that this is often only a static stability value, meaning that the machine cannot actually work on that incline, or it has to be secured with a tether. Furthermore, any machine's ability to work on slopes is significantly impacted by rain or wet grass. It is essential to understand that the quality of turf and traction are more critical than the degree of the slope when assessing a mower's climbing ability.
When comparing existing mowers with both wheels and tracks, it's important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of both. Mowers with tracks tend to be more stable on steep slopes due to their increased surface area, but they are also heavier and may be more challenging to maneuver. Very often they cause damage to surface, which is then exposed to furthern errosion. Mowers with wheels, on the other hand, are more lightweight and easier to maneuver, but they may not offer the same level of climbing ability on steep slopes.
In addition, unlike combustion engine mowers that may struggle to operate on steep slopes due to engine damage risks, electric mowers can work on any incline without any damage to the engine. This makes it a more reliable and cost-effective solution for commercial contractors and other professionals in grass cutting.
However, the key factor when looking for a slope mower should always be safety and ability of the mower to withstand working in incline without rolling over. This is where Raymo shines as its center of gravity is very low and the risk or tipping over is extremely small.
In conclusion, for commercial contractors and other professionals in grass cutting, the Raymo Electric Mower is an excellent option to consider. With its superior stability, climbing ability, and reliability, it provides a safe and reliable solution. Its ability to handle inclines is limited only by the traction it can generate on the surface, providing a versatile solution for professionals who need to work in difficult conditions.